Hari ini, sesuatu telah 'menampar' muka saya. Kejujuran, sebuah kata yg selalu saya junjung tinggi dan menjadi prinsip dalam hidup saya. Topeng apa yg sedang saya pakai? saya sendiri tidak jelas melihatnya dicermin dan saya mulai merasa takut pada diri saya sendiri. Apa saya termasuk org yg sakit jiwa ?
Bersusah payah saya membangun hidup dari kejujuran. saya yakin hidup saya akan baik2 saja jika saya menjalaninya dengan baik dan jujur. Mengajak org lain untuk jujur, mencoba tidak menyakiti org lain dengan kebohongan. Tapi yg terparah adalah Saya justru tidak jujur terhadap diri sendiri.
Ini pesan untuk yg membaca, coba renungkan dan belajar dari kesalahan saya.
Saya mencintai pria A tapi menikah dengan pria B, krn Pengabdian. Buat saya cinta itu sangat pribadi dan simple. Cinta itu bisa tumbuh dengan siapa saja, cinta itu butuh proses. apa benar begitu ? yg aku tau adalah Cinta itu mengikat 2 org dalam 1 perasaan. rumit ternyata...
lalu bagaimana dengan 'Hidup itu pilihan' jalan mana yg terbaik ?
seandainya saya bisa kembali kemasa lalu dan di beri pilihan jalan hidup, saya akan memilih jalan yg sama, menyelesaikannya lbh bijak n lbh cepat. jalan itu yg 'aman'.
tapi mungkin saya tipe memberontak. sesekali berontak. tentu krn tidak merasa nyaman.
lalu ketidakjujuran lainnya,
~ saya tidak suka bawang putih, demi kesehatan saya makan juga.
~ saya benci makan pepaya krn baunya, tp sedikit jeruk nipis membuat baunya hilang.
~ saya tidak ingin bertemu dengan si A tp saya utang budi sama dia.
~ saya tdk suka datang ke acara pernikahan, tp temen saya nantinya menikah semua.
~ saya tdk ingin berkencan dengan pria D tp krn dia ganteng yah boleh lha.
~ saya malas baca buku, tapi setiap hari baca 2 halaman
~ saya tdk suka selingkuh, tp saya selingkuh
~ saya sepertinya pengertian tp pendendam
~ saya gak suka musik trance tp pergi dugem
~ gak tahan bau rokok tp merokok itu nikmat
~ etc...
Apa ketidakjujuran menjadi Sah jika diikutin alasan yg tepat ? berbohong demi kebaikan gt...
Wednesday, 29 December 2010
Sunday, 21 November 2010
Something to think about before you decide to marry someone
No. 1
You pick the wrong person because you expect her/him to change after you are married.
The classic mistake. Never marry potential. The Golden rule is, if you can't be happy with the person the way he or she is now, don't get married. As a colleague of mine so wisely put it, "you actually can expect people to change after their marriage....for the worst!!!!" So when it comes to the other person's spirituality, character, personal, hygiene, communication skills and personal habits, make sure you can live with these as they are now.
My opinion : simple thing can be big thing in marriage life. careful...
No. 2
You pick the wrong person because you focus more on chemistry than character.
Chemistry ignites the fire, but good character keeps it burning. Beware of the "I'm in love" syndrome. "I'm in love" syndrome often means "I'm in lust" Attraction is there, but have you carefully checked out this person characters?
Here are 4 characters traits to definitely check for :
Humility : Does this person believe that "doing the right this" is more important than personal comfort?
Do i want to be more like this person? Would i like my child to turn out like him or her?
Kindness: Does this person enjoy giving pleasure to other people?
How does she or he treat people he or she doesn't have to be nice to?
Does he or she volunteer work? give charity?
Responsibility : Can I depend on this person to do what he or she says he or she going to do?
Happiness : Does this person like himself? Does he or she enjoy life? is he or she emotionally stable?
Ask your self : Do i want to be more like this person? Do i want to have a child with this person?
Would i like my child to turn out like him or her?
No: 3.
You pick the wrong person because the man doesn’t understand what a woman needs most.
Men and women have unique emotional needs, and more often that not, it is the man who just doesn’t “get it”. The unique need of a woman is to be loved – to feel that she is the most important person in her husband’s life. The husband needs to give her consistent, quality attention.
Sexual intimacy is always on the woman’s terms. Men are goal-oriented, especially when it come this area. As a wise woman once pointed out, “men have two speeds: on and off.”Women are experience-oriented.
When a man is able to switch gears and become more experience-oriented, he will discover what makes his wife very happy. When the man forgets about his own needs and focuses on giving his wife pleasure, amazing things happen.
My opinion : women need to be loved, men need to be understanding… and a bit of loved too…
i meant, woman need 'hugs' more more than guy, or kisses... etc.
No: 4.
You choose the wrong person because you do not share a common life goals and priorities.
There are three basic ways we connect with another person:
Chemistry and compatibility
Share common interests
Share common life goal
Make sure you share the deeper level of connection that sharing life goals provide. After marriage, the two of you will either grow together or grow apart.
To avoid growing apart, you must figure out what you’re “living for,” while you’re single—and then find someone who has come to the same conclusion as you.
This is the true definition or a “soul mate.” A soul mate is a goal mate—two people who ultimately share the same understanding of life’s purpose and therefore share priorities, values and goals.
No: 5.
You choose the wrong person because you get involved sexually too quickly.
Sexual involvement before the commitment of marriage can be problem because it often precludes a fully honest exploration of important issues. Sexual involvement tends to cloud onus’s mind. And a clouded mind is not inclined to make good decision.
Of all the studies done on divorce, sexual incompatibility is never cited as a main factor. It is not necessary to take a “test drive” in order to find out if a couple is sexually compatible, you don’t have to worry about sexual compatibility. Of all the studies done on divorce, sexual incompatibility in never cited as a main reason why people divorce.
My opinion : True, mostly happen but hard to do.
No: 6.
You pick the wrong person because you do not have a deeper emotional connection with this person.
To evaluate whether you have a deeper emotional connection or not ask: “do I respect and admire this person?” this does not mean, “am I impressed by this person?” we are impressed by a Mercedes. We do not respect someone because they own a Mercedes. You should be impressed by qualities of creativity, loyalty, determination, etc.
Also ask: “do I trust this person?” this also means, “is he/she emotionally stable? Do I feel I can rely on him/her?
No: 7.
You pick the wrong person because you choose someone with whom you don’t feel emotionally safe.
Ask yourself the following questions: do I feel calm, peaceful and relaxed with this person? Can I fully be myself and express myself! With this person?
Dose this person make me feel good about myself? Do you have a really close friend who does make you feel this way? Make sure the person you marry makes you feel the same way!
Are you afraid of this person in any way? You should not feel you need to monitor what you say because you are afraid of how the other person will view it. If you’re afraid to express your feelings and opinions openly, there’s a problem with the relationship. Be on the look out for someone who is always trying to change you. Another aspect of feeling safe is that you don’t feel the other person is trying to control you.
Controlling behaviors are a sign of an abusive person. Be on the look out for someone who is always trying to change you. There’s big difference between “controlling” and “making suggestion”. A suggestion is made for your benefit; a control statement is made for their benefit.
My opinion : dangerous... really.
No 8:
You pick the wrong person because you don’t have put everyting on the table.
Anything that bothers you about the relationship must be brought up for discussion. Bringing up the uncomfortable stuff is the only way to evaluate how well the two of you communicate, negotiate, and work together. Over the course of a lifetime, difficulties will inevitably arise.
You need to know now, before making a commitment: can you resolve your differences and find compromises that work for both of you? Never be afraid to let the person know what bothers you. This is also a way for you to test how vulnerable you can be with this person. If you can’t be vulnerable, then you can’t be intimate. The two go hand in hand.
My opinion : hmm... better open minded...
No: 9.
You pick the wrong person because you use the relationship to ascape from personal problems and unhappiness.
If you are unhappy and single, you’ll probably be unhappy and married, too. Marriage does not fix personal, psychological and emotional problems. If anything, marriage will exacerbate them. If you are not happy with yourself and your life, take responsibility to fix it now while you are single. You’ll feel better, and your future spouse will thank you.
No: 10.
You pick the wrong person because he/she is involved in a triangle.
To be “triangulated” means a person is emotionally dependent on someone or something else while trying to develop another relationship. A person who hasn’t separated from his or her parents is the classic example of triangulation.
People can also be triangulate with things as well, such as work, drugs, Internet, hobbies, sports or money. Be careful that you and! Your partner is free of triangles. The person caught in the triangle cannot be fully emotionality available to you. You will not be their number one priority. And that’s no basis for a marriage.
My opinion : to indonesian guy....^^ pls noticed...
You pick the wrong person because you expect her/him to change after you are married.
The classic mistake. Never marry potential. The Golden rule is, if you can't be happy with the person the way he or she is now, don't get married. As a colleague of mine so wisely put it, "you actually can expect people to change after their marriage....for the worst!!!!" So when it comes to the other person's spirituality, character, personal, hygiene, communication skills and personal habits, make sure you can live with these as they are now.
My opinion : simple thing can be big thing in marriage life. careful...
No. 2
You pick the wrong person because you focus more on chemistry than character.
Chemistry ignites the fire, but good character keeps it burning. Beware of the "I'm in love" syndrome. "I'm in love" syndrome often means "I'm in lust" Attraction is there, but have you carefully checked out this person characters?
Here are 4 characters traits to definitely check for :
Humility : Does this person believe that "doing the right this" is more important than personal comfort?
Do i want to be more like this person? Would i like my child to turn out like him or her?
Kindness: Does this person enjoy giving pleasure to other people?
How does she or he treat people he or she doesn't have to be nice to?
Does he or she volunteer work? give charity?
Responsibility : Can I depend on this person to do what he or she says he or she going to do?
Happiness : Does this person like himself? Does he or she enjoy life? is he or she emotionally stable?
Ask your self : Do i want to be more like this person? Do i want to have a child with this person?
Would i like my child to turn out like him or her?
No: 3.
You pick the wrong person because the man doesn’t understand what a woman needs most.
Men and women have unique emotional needs, and more often that not, it is the man who just doesn’t “get it”. The unique need of a woman is to be loved – to feel that she is the most important person in her husband’s life. The husband needs to give her consistent, quality attention.
Sexual intimacy is always on the woman’s terms. Men are goal-oriented, especially when it come this area. As a wise woman once pointed out, “men have two speeds: on and off.”Women are experience-oriented.
When a man is able to switch gears and become more experience-oriented, he will discover what makes his wife very happy. When the man forgets about his own needs and focuses on giving his wife pleasure, amazing things happen.
My opinion : women need to be loved, men need to be understanding… and a bit of loved too…
i meant, woman need 'hugs' more more than guy, or kisses... etc.
No: 4.
You choose the wrong person because you do not share a common life goals and priorities.
There are three basic ways we connect with another person:
Chemistry and compatibility
Share common interests
Share common life goal
Make sure you share the deeper level of connection that sharing life goals provide. After marriage, the two of you will either grow together or grow apart.
To avoid growing apart, you must figure out what you’re “living for,” while you’re single—and then find someone who has come to the same conclusion as you.
This is the true definition or a “soul mate.” A soul mate is a goal mate—two people who ultimately share the same understanding of life’s purpose and therefore share priorities, values and goals.
No: 5.
You choose the wrong person because you get involved sexually too quickly.
Sexual involvement before the commitment of marriage can be problem because it often precludes a fully honest exploration of important issues. Sexual involvement tends to cloud onus’s mind. And a clouded mind is not inclined to make good decision.
Of all the studies done on divorce, sexual incompatibility is never cited as a main factor. It is not necessary to take a “test drive” in order to find out if a couple is sexually compatible, you don’t have to worry about sexual compatibility. Of all the studies done on divorce, sexual incompatibility in never cited as a main reason why people divorce.
My opinion : True, mostly happen but hard to do.
No: 6.
You pick the wrong person because you do not have a deeper emotional connection with this person.
To evaluate whether you have a deeper emotional connection or not ask: “do I respect and admire this person?” this does not mean, “am I impressed by this person?” we are impressed by a Mercedes. We do not respect someone because they own a Mercedes. You should be impressed by qualities of creativity, loyalty, determination, etc.
Also ask: “do I trust this person?” this also means, “is he/she emotionally stable? Do I feel I can rely on him/her?
No: 7.
You pick the wrong person because you choose someone with whom you don’t feel emotionally safe.
Ask yourself the following questions: do I feel calm, peaceful and relaxed with this person? Can I fully be myself and express myself! With this person?
Dose this person make me feel good about myself? Do you have a really close friend who does make you feel this way? Make sure the person you marry makes you feel the same way!
Are you afraid of this person in any way? You should not feel you need to monitor what you say because you are afraid of how the other person will view it. If you’re afraid to express your feelings and opinions openly, there’s a problem with the relationship. Be on the look out for someone who is always trying to change you. Another aspect of feeling safe is that you don’t feel the other person is trying to control you.
Controlling behaviors are a sign of an abusive person. Be on the look out for someone who is always trying to change you. There’s big difference between “controlling” and “making suggestion”. A suggestion is made for your benefit; a control statement is made for their benefit.
My opinion : dangerous... really.
No 8:
You pick the wrong person because you don’t have put everyting on the table.
Anything that bothers you about the relationship must be brought up for discussion. Bringing up the uncomfortable stuff is the only way to evaluate how well the two of you communicate, negotiate, and work together. Over the course of a lifetime, difficulties will inevitably arise.
You need to know now, before making a commitment: can you resolve your differences and find compromises that work for both of you? Never be afraid to let the person know what bothers you. This is also a way for you to test how vulnerable you can be with this person. If you can’t be vulnerable, then you can’t be intimate. The two go hand in hand.
My opinion : hmm... better open minded...
No: 9.
You pick the wrong person because you use the relationship to ascape from personal problems and unhappiness.
If you are unhappy and single, you’ll probably be unhappy and married, too. Marriage does not fix personal, psychological and emotional problems. If anything, marriage will exacerbate them. If you are not happy with yourself and your life, take responsibility to fix it now while you are single. You’ll feel better, and your future spouse will thank you.
No: 10.
You pick the wrong person because he/she is involved in a triangle.
To be “triangulated” means a person is emotionally dependent on someone or something else while trying to develop another relationship. A person who hasn’t separated from his or her parents is the classic example of triangulation.
People can also be triangulate with things as well, such as work, drugs, Internet, hobbies, sports or money. Be careful that you and! Your partner is free of triangles. The person caught in the triangle cannot be fully emotionality available to you. You will not be their number one priority. And that’s no basis for a marriage.
My opinion : to indonesian guy....^^ pls noticed...
Thursday, 21 October 2010
Homemade Chocolate
Chocolate Candy
* 3 cups sugar
* 3 cups milk
* 5 tablespoons cocoa
* 1 tablespoon butter
* 1 teaspoon vanilla
1. Combine the sugar, milk, and cocoa in a saucepan and bring it to the boil while stirring. Boil until the mixture reaches the soft ball stage at 234-240 degrees F.
2. Remove from heat and stir in the butter and vanilla until mixture is creamy. Pour onto a buttered tray and allow to cool. Cut into squares and store in an airtight container.
* 3 cups sugar
* 3 cups milk
* 5 tablespoons cocoa
* 1 tablespoon butter
* 1 teaspoon vanilla
1. Combine the sugar, milk, and cocoa in a saucepan and bring it to the boil while stirring. Boil until the mixture reaches the soft ball stage at 234-240 degrees F.
2. Remove from heat and stir in the butter and vanilla until mixture is creamy. Pour onto a buttered tray and allow to cool. Cut into squares and store in an airtight container.
Wednesday, 13 October 2010
The Indigo Children
What is an Indigo Child? and why do we call them Indigo?
First, the definition: an indigo child is one who displays a new and unusual set of psychological attributes and shows a pattern of behavior generally undocumented before. This pattern has common unique factors that suggest that those who interact with them ( parents, in particular ) change their treatment and upbringing of them in order to achieve balance. To ignore these new pattern is to potentially create imbalance and frustration in the mind of this precious new life. The subject of this chapter is to identify, qualify and validate the attributes of an Indigo child.
Here are ten of the most common traits of Indigo Children :
1. They come into the world with a feeling of Royalty ( and often act like it )
2. They have a feeling of 'deserving to be here' and are surprised when others dont share that.
3. Self-worth is not a big issue. They often tell the parents 'who they are'
4. They have difficulty with absolute authority ( authority without explanation or choice )
5. They simply will not do certain things; for example, waiting in line is difficult for them.
6. They get frustrated with systems that are ritual-oriented and dont require creative thought.
7. They often see better ways of doing things, both at home and in school, which makes them seem like 'system buster' ( nonconforming to any system)
8. They seem antisocial unless they are with their own kind. if there are no others of like consciousness around them, they ofern turn inward, feeling like no other human understands them. School is often extremely difficult for them socially.
9. They will not respond to guilt discipline.
10. They are not shy in letting you know what they need.
Lee Carroll & Jan Tober
First, the definition: an indigo child is one who displays a new and unusual set of psychological attributes and shows a pattern of behavior generally undocumented before. This pattern has common unique factors that suggest that those who interact with them ( parents, in particular ) change their treatment and upbringing of them in order to achieve balance. To ignore these new pattern is to potentially create imbalance and frustration in the mind of this precious new life. The subject of this chapter is to identify, qualify and validate the attributes of an Indigo child.
Here are ten of the most common traits of Indigo Children :
1. They come into the world with a feeling of Royalty ( and often act like it )
2. They have a feeling of 'deserving to be here' and are surprised when others dont share that.
3. Self-worth is not a big issue. They often tell the parents 'who they are'
4. They have difficulty with absolute authority ( authority without explanation or choice )
5. They simply will not do certain things; for example, waiting in line is difficult for them.
6. They get frustrated with systems that are ritual-oriented and dont require creative thought.
7. They often see better ways of doing things, both at home and in school, which makes them seem like 'system buster' ( nonconforming to any system)
8. They seem antisocial unless they are with their own kind. if there are no others of like consciousness around them, they ofern turn inward, feeling like no other human understands them. School is often extremely difficult for them socially.
9. They will not respond to guilt discipline.
10. They are not shy in letting you know what they need.
Lee Carroll & Jan Tober
Wednesday, 29 September 2010
Pulau Menjangan - Wall Dive
Kami menginap di Lovina, sebelah utara pulau bali yang terkenal dengan pantai lumba-lumbanya. Dari situ kami masih harus melanjutkan perjalanan ke arah barat. akhirnya sampailah kami di sebuah dermaga kecil dan beberapa kapal nelayan sudah menunggu pada diver. Kurang lebih 45 menit perjalanan kapal, kami menikmati pemandangan yang begitu indah dan pantai yang bersih. Luar biasa... seperti private beach. ^^
setelah semuanya siap, kali ini aku melakukan rol dari kapal dan masuk ke air. dan segera kami turun. Setelah menyelam beberapa saat, terjadi sedikit masalah, fin sebelah kanan saya lepas. wah, sempat panik... karena kami sudah menyelam cukup dalam dan tidak boleh langsung naik. selain berbahaya karena tekanan air, aku juga bisa celaka kalau sampai ada kapal yang lewat. Akhirnya temen dive ku yang sudah expert naik ke atas untuk mengambil.
Dan kami bisa melanjutkan menyelam. kami menyelam di patahan dinding laut. seperti jurang di dalam laut. Dinding jurang tersebut penuh karang yang beraneka bentuk dan warna. kami ini aku harus rajin-rajin melihat petunjuk tekanan dan udara.
pada saat sedang asik melihat-lihat karang, tak sadar di depanku muncul belut hitam besar yang muncul dari dalam gua kecil. Sempat menelan air dan panik :( tapi aku bisa relax lagi. dan sudah waktunya kami naik ke kapal untuk beristirahat.
hanya 20 menit menyelam, kami-pun mengakhiri. naik ke kapal dan kembali ke P bali.
Setelah selesai mandi, kami memesan beberapa macam makanan, lapar sekali.... sembari makan kami mengisi log book.
log book merupakan buku yang menyimpan data penyelaman kami. seperti kedalaman, waktu penyelaman, tempat, dll.
Tuesday, 28 September 2010
Padang Bay, Bali - Coral Dive
Padang Bay tempat dive yang terkenal dengan keindahan coral dan ikan Hiu-nya. OK sekali seumur hidup, cukup. haha... takut juga tapi aku paksakan diriku karena untuk hal ini sepertinya gak ada kesempatan kedua. Pagi itu jam 9 aku sudah berada diatas kapal memasang peralatan dive. Segera kami satu persatu turun ke air. Mulai turun di kedalaman 4M. Setelah kami semua memberi kode OK, kami mulai berenang maju dan lebih dalam.
Coral dimana-mana. berwarna warni, bentuknya indah dan banyak ikan. Aku berasa seperti berada didalam Aquarium yang sangat indah. terdapat berbagai macam tipe bintang laut, kerang-kerang, ikan nemo ( clown fish ), lion fish dan ikan-ikan lain yang aku tidak tau namanya. Dive kl ini benar-benar relax. Tidak ada hal yang menegangkan. 40 menit di dalam air, sudah waktunya kami naik untuk beristirahat.
20 menit kami beristirahat di kapal sambil menikmati pemandangan laut, memberi makan ikan dengan rempah roti sambil ngobrol dengan nelayan pemilik kapal. Kembali kami berada di air dan memasang peralatan selam kami dengan cepat. lalu turun kebawah lurus sampai kedalaman 4m. setelah semua OK, kami lanjut berenang ke lokasi coral yang lebih indah.
Hari berikutnya kami melakukan penyelaman di Pulau Menjangan.
Tulamben, Bali - Wreck Dive
Aku mengambil paket dive dengan tujuan 3 tempat yang berbeda, yaitu Tulamben, Padang Bay dan Pulau Menjangan.
Paketnya terbilang cukup murah sekitar 2,5jt sudah termasuk transport, hotel, makan siang dan sewa peralatan dive berikut instrukturnya. Perjalanan pertama menuju Tulamben, tempat dive yang sudah terkenal dengan "Wreck dive". Kapal cargo USS Liberty yang sengaja di tenggelamkan pada tahun 1963. Dive di mulai dari pantai/shore, berjalan dan mulai berenang ke arah bangkai kapal 30 derajat menurut kompas yang saya pakai. Berenang miring melawan ombak, terus turun dan turun perlahan-lahan. tidak lupa membuang udara dari telinga. Bersama kami banyak juga diver-diver lain. Sampai akhirnya mulai terlihat benda hitam besar dikejauhan dan WOW besar sekali kapalnya. Seperti di film-film mencari harta karun dan bertemu mayat, haha... :p
Jika Anda pernah menonton film AVATAR 3D, keindahan tanaman yang ada di film itu sama seperti keindahan coral dibawah laut. Sangat indah... Sangat memukau...
Setelah 40 menit di dalam laut, akhirnya instruktur kami memberi kode untuk mengakhiri penyelaman. Kami berenang kembali ke pantai. Begitu sampai di pantai, aku gak kuat lagi berdiri, ditambah lagi hantaman ombak dan beratnya tabung. Capek sekali, lapar... 5 menit menunggu, Nasi goreng kami matang : )
benar-benar lelah, segera aku mandi, minum teh manis hangat, meminum tolak angin dan makan beberapa biskuit lemon. Segera kami naik mobil melanjutkan perjalanan ke Padang Bay dan menginap disana. Aku tidur di sepanjang jalan : )
Tujuan kami berikutnya, Padang Bay tempat dive yang terkenal dengan keindahan coralnya dan ikan Hiu-nya ^^
Monday, 27 September 2010
Excited ! ini petualangan yang sebenarnya. ^^
Gak tau kenapa aku selalu tertarik dengan kegiatan yang menurut orang lain berbahaya. temen-temenku bilang gini : "udah deh loe jangan aneh-aneh ! " ( aku mendengarnya seperti suatu dukungan, haha... )
kegiatan yang memacu adrenalin hanya untuk sekedar mengukur kemampuan dan keberanian.
SCUBA is an acronym which stands for Self Contained Underwater Breathing Aparatus. ( gak penting deh.. : ) Aku pikir belajarnya memakan waktu lama, bosenin, susah, kemungkinan gagal besar ( krn aku ada asma, tp sejak sering berenang n diving asma-nya hilang ).
ternyata... kursusnya cuman 3 hari. mulai dari jam 8 pagi sampai jam 6 sore. Termasuk teori dan praktek.
Aku ambil license PADI ( Professional Association of Diving Instructors ). ada beberapa license seh, cuman ini yang paling terkenal dan banyak diterima. Ujian teorinya-pun boleh nyontek. tapi tetep aja dari 100 soal salah 9, haha.... gara-gara ngantuk berat. Yang anehnya lagi bule ce yang duduk disebelah gw malah nyontek gw padahal buku panduannya dalam bahasa inggris.
setelah makan siang, lanjut lagi teorinya. T.T .Teorinya seh seputar teori fisika, gak sulit seperti pelajaran SMP seperti anomali air... akhirnya jam 5an selesai.
Hari kedua, jam 8 pagi : ) dimulai dengan teori lagi tapi kali ini tak merasa jenuh karena setelah makan siang langsung praktek di kolam renang. dan benar saja, waktu berjalan cepat dan kita sudah berada di pinggir kolam renang mendengarkan instruktur menerangkan tentang macam-macam peralatan dive, cara pemasangan, cara penggunaan dan perawatan.
Tabung udara yang berat itu sudah terpasang dipunggung, beratnya ampun, 13kg ! langsung saja masuk ke kolam untuk mengurangi beban beratnya. Ternyata yang tersulit adalah bernafas dengan mulut dalam waktu lama. setelah 1 jam berlatih, akhirnya hidungku berdarah juga. Sempat panik, bukan panik karena hidung berdarah tapi panik takut gak lulus. hehe...
Hari ketiga, jam 8 pagi persiapan di pantai segera setelah selesai kami naik ke kapal nelayan menuju tengah laut. Mencapai lokasi yang ditentukan kami segera turun ke laut, lalu memasang peralatan selam di dalam air. Kita dilatih untuk cepat dan sigap memasang peralatan di dalam air. Karena aku terlalu kecil dan kurus, aku harus memakai pemberat sebesar 6kg. Deg-deg an abis, penasaran dan sedikit takut. akhirnya mulailah turun pelan-pelan mengikuti instruksi. telinga mulai terasa sakit pada kedalaman 3m, segera meniup udara dikeluarkan lewat telinga, berkali-kali dan jangan turun lebih dalam. Setelah beberapa saat akhirnya hilang juga sakitnya.
Sekitar jam 4, semuanya selesai dan kami diminta untuk mengisi data diri juga menyerahkan foto. Kami semua lulus : )
Tanpa pikir panjang, aku langsung mengambil paket dive bersama seorang teman yang sudah expert.
Baca postingan di blog ini berikutnya : )
Saturday, 25 September 2010
Things happens for a reason
there's a season for everything... some people stay, some people meant to be our past....
so just enjoy every second, never regrets n never waste it.... ^^
what ever you do, as long as you know, you have given your best, you won't have regrets...
honesty is gold... more precious than anything else in the whole world...
if loving the person that we love so much was so wrong, then the only thing that we can do is just love that person while we can with all the best that we have and give the best that we could give, so we won't have any regrets....at least people can see it, and one day you can say proudly," i felt that kind of love once" coz not every one can feel it and for those people, who put our love to an end, they will know eventually, how big is our love and they will regret it one day and understand love better....just what we can do best....love him/her with all our heart....
Several important people in my life,
Mom - u r the best ever !
Dad - miss u so much, dad...
Kayla - my heart
My sister Amy - good luck for u, sis... n ur family.
My bro Arno - care abt u so much
Miko - Crab ! haha... bad n good in u. The best cousin, always ruin my day with ur spoil action.
Mr. Daryono - my best physics teacher. Thanks for ur support, sir.
never forget how we argued abt physics, phenomenon, life, jokes, etc.
Robin - my shadow, dark shape. haha...
ur word is just a word but meaningful for me, a sensitive n very talk active guy. if i could love u once. u r living far far away from me.
Danny - i learn a lot from u. once u destroy me...
Kiem - friendship forever !
so just enjoy every second, never regrets n never waste it.... ^^
what ever you do, as long as you know, you have given your best, you won't have regrets...
honesty is gold... more precious than anything else in the whole world...
if loving the person that we love so much was so wrong, then the only thing that we can do is just love that person while we can with all the best that we have and give the best that we could give, so we won't have any regrets....at least people can see it, and one day you can say proudly," i felt that kind of love once" coz not every one can feel it and for those people, who put our love to an end, they will know eventually, how big is our love and they will regret it one day and understand love better....just what we can do best....love him/her with all our heart....
Several important people in my life,
Mom - u r the best ever !
Dad - miss u so much, dad...
Kayla - my heart
My sister Amy - good luck for u, sis... n ur family.
My bro Arno - care abt u so much
Miko - Crab ! haha... bad n good in u. The best cousin, always ruin my day with ur spoil action.
Mr. Daryono - my best physics teacher. Thanks for ur support, sir.
never forget how we argued abt physics, phenomenon, life, jokes, etc.
Robin - my shadow, dark shape. haha...
ur word is just a word but meaningful for me, a sensitive n very talk active guy. if i could love u once. u r living far far away from me.
Danny - i learn a lot from u. once u destroy me...
Kiem - friendship forever !
missing... ( this is not a confession of a lonely heart... : )
I miss hugging someone...
I miss giving small kisses to someone...
I miss lazing around in the house with someone
I miss cuddling with someone...
I miss hearing sweet little words from someone...
I miss giving love to someone and recieving love...
I miss being pampered and pampering someone....
I miss giving all the attention that i could give as a woman...
I miss cooking breakfast for someone....
I miss coming home to someone...
I miss waking up in the morning and have someone to say good morning too...
I miss having a late night bed talking with someone...
I miss saying how good someone is...
I miss saying how handsome he is...
I miss saying i miss him....
I miss having a warm feeling when someone hug me when I am down...
I miss walking with someone that makes me look good as much as he feels that he looks and feel good walking with me....
I miss being the real whole woman....
I miss being with someone....
I want to share my life with someone...
I want to love, i want to hug, i want to kiss....
I miss being jelous...
I miss being upset because someone is late...
I miss being nervous for a date...
I miss dressing up for someone...
I miss giving suprises and get suprises from someone...
I miss butterflies in my stomach....
I miss fighting for my feeling towards someone....
I miss smiling in the morning because feeling love and loving someone....
I miss buying my love one gifts...
I miss celebrating special day with someone...
I miss having someone in my life....
I miss having someone who can love me and see me as who i am....
loving me even i have flaws....
who can see me with that look....and i can look the sameway too....
i miss it so much.....
I miss giving small kisses to someone...
I miss lazing around in the house with someone
I miss cuddling with someone...
I miss hearing sweet little words from someone...
I miss giving love to someone and recieving love...
I miss being pampered and pampering someone....
I miss giving all the attention that i could give as a woman...
I miss cooking breakfast for someone....
I miss coming home to someone...
I miss waking up in the morning and have someone to say good morning too...
I miss having a late night bed talking with someone...
I miss saying how good someone is...
I miss saying how handsome he is...
I miss saying i miss him....
I miss having a warm feeling when someone hug me when I am down...
I miss walking with someone that makes me look good as much as he feels that he looks and feel good walking with me....
I miss being the real whole woman....
I miss being with someone....
I want to share my life with someone...
I want to love, i want to hug, i want to kiss....
I miss being jelous...
I miss being upset because someone is late...
I miss being nervous for a date...
I miss dressing up for someone...
I miss giving suprises and get suprises from someone...
I miss butterflies in my stomach....
I miss fighting for my feeling towards someone....
I miss smiling in the morning because feeling love and loving someone....
I miss buying my love one gifts...
I miss celebrating special day with someone...
I miss having someone in my life....
I miss having someone who can love me and see me as who i am....
loving me even i have flaws....
who can see me with that look....and i can look the sameway too....
i miss it so much.....
Sunday, 19 September 2010
KORSASE dari kain Perca
Beragam bentuk Korsase dengan desain yang bervariasi namun sebenarnya pada dasarnya memiliki bentuk dan cara yang sama, namun bagaimana kita dapat berkreasi merangkai potongan kain perca tersebut sehingga dapat menghasilkan bentuk korsase yang terlihat anggun dan mewah. Karena pada dasarnya, korsase merupakan pemanis tampilan busana di acara resmi seperti pernikahan.
Jadi, tidak salah bila Anda memilih buku ini sebagai buku referensi untuk berkreasi, karena Anda akan dengan mudah mempraktekkan cara pembuatan korsase tersebut. Berkreasilah untuk berani memadupadankan warna kain pada korsase, sehingga hasil kreasi Anda akan nampak lebih eksklusif dan memiliki nilai jual yang tinggi.
Korsase memiliki beragam bentuk. Ada yang mungil seperti bros yang cukup disematkan pada gaun, blazer ataupun kemeja, ada juga yg berukuran lebih besar untuk di tambahkan pada ikat pinggang, kalung, gelang dan juga bandana.
Sedikit tentang penulis...
Penulis dengan nama lengkap Angela Maria Laniarti Hendrani atau lebih dikenal dengan nama Lanny Dharmawan memiliki 2 orang putri dan 1 orang putra. Penulis yang memiliki hobi di dunia keterampilan ini juga senang mendengarkan musik dan membaca. Hobi keterampilannya mulai telihat setelah lulus dari bangku sekolah menengah atas kira-kira tahun 1965 hingga sekarang telah mmenghasilkan berbagai kreasi yang tak terhitung jumlahnya.
Saturday, 18 September 2010
my Jelly Candy
Berikut resep jelly candy yg sudah berkali-kali saya buat. Bahan-bahannya cukup mudah di dapat di toko yg menjual bahan kue dan memasaknya-pun tidak memakan waktu cukup lama. Tapi Anda harus mempunyai termometer masak yang suhunya bisa mencapai 200 derajat celcius.
Bahan A:
100 gr gelatin
1 gr pengering/cream of tar tar.
200 cc air panas
Bahan B :
150 glukosa
600 gula pasir
160 cc air
- campur bahan B dimasak sampai 120 Celcius, lalu masukkan bahan A
- tambah 10 gr citrun, esen/perasa & pewarna secukupnya.
- cetak dalam loyang ukuran sedang, sehangga tinggi jelly kurang lebih 1 cm.
- tunggu agak dingin lalu simpan dalam lemari es selama 2 hari.
- setelah 2 hari keluarkan jelly dari cetakan loyang, lalu gunting kotak2 kecil.
- lumuri dengan gula halus agar tidak saling menempel.
Selamat mencoba ^^
Friday, 17 September 2010
my Glass Painting
Masih di tahun yang sama 2001, bulan agustus. Mamaku tercinta yg seorang seniman ^^ memperkenalkan aku pada temannya. Ibu La Lita Jo, wanita cantik berdarah menado yang sangat terampil melukis diatas kaca. Mereka melakukan barter, mamaku mengajarkan 'korsase' sebaliknya tante Lita mengajarkan aku glass painting.
Bahan-bahan yang dipakai ; kaca datar, botol bekas, cat khusus kaca ( transparant lebih indah ), relief tube ( berbagai warna seperti : emas, tembaga, silver, putih, hitam & transparant ), tusuk gigi, wash bensin dan tissue.
Awalnya aku diberi buku pola gambar stain glass/kaca patri. lalu dengan relief tube aku mulai menggambar mengikuti pola garis yang ada. Ternyata sulit sekali. haha... setiap 30 menit aku harus me-relax-kan tangan n jari jemariku. terlihat sangat gampang, tapi tekanan pada tube tidak stabil sehingga garis yang aku buat tebal tipis. Juga diperlukan pola nafas yang teratur.
sampai malam aku terus mencoba supaya aku tidak membuang-buang waktu kursus. dan akhirnya jari-jariku terbiasa.
Hari berikutnya mulai dengan pemberian warna. Tusuk gigi sudah di tangan dan mencelupkan ke dalam botol cat. tiba-tiba : " bukan begitu, ran... kamu hanya perlu mencelupkan sedikt saja ujung tusuk giginya " ( ooops... ) ambil tusuk gigi baru deh.. lalu mulai mewarnai dari bidang gambar yg kecil ke yg lebih besar... harus cepat, rapi dan rata. Karya pertamaku sangat mengecewakan. sayangnya lupa difoto.
Hari ke 3, mulai melukis dibotol, wah bidang rata aja gak rapi udah disuruh pindah ke bidang melengkung. ternyata yg aku takutkan terbukti, licin sehingga jauh dari pola. lagi-lagi hasilnya mengecewakan.
Hari ke 4, masih sama tapi lebih baik, lebih relax. mulai bisa menikmati indahnya melukis di botol.
Hari ke 5, hari terakhir, tante Lita datang dengan membawa banyak contoh hasil lukisan botol miliknya. Luar biasa. dia melukis motof batik dan banyak ornamen. sangan detail dengan berbagai warna dan bentuk. benar-benar tak terlintas di kepalaku bagai mana bisa membuat sedetail ini.
Dan beberapa hari setelah kursus selesai, aku mulai berburu botol-botol bekas di daerah belakang pasar Atom, Surabaya.
Aku dapat beberapa botol bekas parfume dan minuman. Mereka jual mulai dari harga 500 sampai 3000 rupiah.
Di jakarta, aku mulai mencari informasi mengenal forum Glass painting, ternyata nihil. Aku mulai membeli beberapa buku Enameling untuk memperkaya ide. Juga aku mulai megumpulkan berbagai macan warna cat, relief tube dan kuas berukuran 0000.
Disela-sela tugas kuliah, aku menyempatkan melukis, untuk terus melatih jari dan nafasku. beberapa lukisan sudah aku hasilkan. Tahun 2003 aku mencoba ikut pameran Inacraft yang setiap tahun-nya diselenggarakan dipertengahan bulan april.
Walau aku merugi, tapi banyak orang yang mengagumi dan membeli beberapa hasil karyaku. Aku puas.
Setiap tahun aku mencoba membuat beberapa karya. Tapi sekarang aku punya bisnis baru, mudah-mudahan aku masih punya kerinduan terhadap hobby ku yang satu ini, Glass Painting.
Bahan-bahan yang dipakai ; kaca datar, botol bekas, cat khusus kaca ( transparant lebih indah ), relief tube ( berbagai warna seperti : emas, tembaga, silver, putih, hitam & transparant ), tusuk gigi, wash bensin dan tissue.
sampai malam aku terus mencoba supaya aku tidak membuang-buang waktu kursus. dan akhirnya jari-jariku terbiasa.
Hari berikutnya mulai dengan pemberian warna. Tusuk gigi sudah di tangan dan mencelupkan ke dalam botol cat. tiba-tiba : " bukan begitu, ran... kamu hanya perlu mencelupkan sedikt saja ujung tusuk giginya " ( ooops... ) ambil tusuk gigi baru deh.. lalu mulai mewarnai dari bidang gambar yg kecil ke yg lebih besar... harus cepat, rapi dan rata. Karya pertamaku sangat mengecewakan. sayangnya lupa difoto.
Hari ke 3, mulai melukis dibotol, wah bidang rata aja gak rapi udah disuruh pindah ke bidang melengkung. ternyata yg aku takutkan terbukti, licin sehingga jauh dari pola. lagi-lagi hasilnya mengecewakan.
Hari ke 4, masih sama tapi lebih baik, lebih relax. mulai bisa menikmati indahnya melukis di botol.
Hari ke 5, hari terakhir, tante Lita datang dengan membawa banyak contoh hasil lukisan botol miliknya. Luar biasa. dia melukis motof batik dan banyak ornamen. sangan detail dengan berbagai warna dan bentuk. benar-benar tak terlintas di kepalaku bagai mana bisa membuat sedetail ini.
Aku dapat beberapa botol bekas parfume dan minuman. Mereka jual mulai dari harga 500 sampai 3000 rupiah.
Di jakarta, aku mulai mencari informasi mengenal forum Glass painting, ternyata nihil. Aku mulai membeli beberapa buku Enameling untuk memperkaya ide. Juga aku mulai megumpulkan berbagai macan warna cat, relief tube dan kuas berukuran 0000.
Disela-sela tugas kuliah, aku menyempatkan melukis, untuk terus melatih jari dan nafasku. beberapa lukisan sudah aku hasilkan. Tahun 2003 aku mencoba ikut pameran Inacraft yang setiap tahun-nya diselenggarakan dipertengahan bulan april.
Walau aku merugi, tapi banyak orang yang mengagumi dan membeli beberapa hasil karyaku. Aku puas.
Bola coklat versi baru ^^
Bosan dengan bentuk lama bola-bola coklat? cobalah berbagai varian bentuk baru.
Bola coklat merupakan makanan manis yang pembuatannya dibilang sangat mudah. Dengan 2 bungkus biskuit marrie regal/biskuit susu, 1 kaleng susu kental manis rasa coklat, 1 sendok teh kopi bubuk dan meises warna-warni.
Ada pula versi mahalnya ; 2 bungkus biskuit susu, chocolate cooking, 1 sendok teh kopi bubuk, 2 sendok makan mentega cair, 1 sendok makan rum dan meises warna-warni.
Untuk bentuk tentu saja bulat hanya kita tinggal menambahkan asesoris seperti stik ice cream atau cone.
Selamat mencoba !
Thursday, 16 September 2010
Aku belajar clay sejak tahn 2001. Menimba ilmu dari seorang yg ahli, Ibu Monica dari surabaya.
beliau sangat terampil seperti tangan dewa. beliau juga mengeluarkan beberapa buku kerajinan clay yg bisa dengan mudah di dapatkan di toko buku di mal-mal.
proses belajarnya cukup cepat hanya 2 jam selama 3hari. beliau mengajarkan cara meramu bahan-bahan sehingga terbentuk adonan clay. bahan-bahan itu seperti tepung terigu, tepung kanji, tepung beras, natrium benzoat dan lem kayu putih.
lalu berlanjut dengan proses pewarnaan dengan cat poster. setelah itu mulai dengan pengenalan bentuk bentuk dasar.
tawaran menarik, langsung aku terima. cukup terkejut, begitu kelas dibuka banyak sekali ibu-ibu yang mendaftarkan anaknya. sedangkan aku belum membuat jadwal dan kurikulum pengajaran. hahaha... nekat. syukur semua orang membantu.
1 bulan tak terasa sudah terlewati, liburan sekolah berakhir, selesai sudah pengajaran. pengalaman luar biasa yang aku dapat, karena belum pernah mengajar anak-anak yang bandel-bandel.
Wednesday, 15 September 2010
Menjadi seorang pemimpi adalah Impianku.
Kaart atau Kartu dalam bahasa Belanda merupakan salah satu dari mimpi indahku yang bisa aku wujudkan. Awal tujuan Kaart adalah membuat undangan ulang tahun anak.
Aku memulainya dari bulan November 2009 dengan beberapa research seputar desain, pasar dan cara memasarkan. Pada saat itu aku masih bekerja di perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang optik. mencuri-curi waktu di kantor dengan membuat beberapa desain dan memanfaatkan layanan internet gratis yang lumayan cepat.
Pembeli pertama baru aku dapatkan dibulan januari. Senangnya luar biasa, padahal baru add sedikit orang di Facebook n beberapa desain masih mengambil dari wallpaper disney.
Tiba-tiba di suatu hari aku mendapatkan ide, kenapa tidak aku 'mendidik' customerku untuk tidak terpaku pada disney atau tokoh - tokoh kartun yang ada. Aku bisa menciptakan suatu tema yang cukup unik.
Aku adalah Kaart, jiwaku sudah masuk didalamnya. saatnya bereksplorasi dengan diriku sendiri.
( Realized Your Power - Robin T'Hoen ).
Desain ; minimalis, aku suka simple n clean tapi tentu berkesan terlalu dewasa. Full colours inilah yang seharusnya. warna cerah ataupun pastel, thematic tentu saja, kalau tidak bingung mau mulai dari mana. loveable, tidak memberi kesempatan pembeli untuk 'mengacaukan' desain yang sudah ada karena sudah 'jatuh cinta' pada pandangan pertama.
Target ; orang tua sebagai pembeli, dan anak-anak tentunya. aku add semua perempuan* yang memasang foto profile bersama anaknya... ibu-ibu maksudnya*
Pemasaran ; sejauh ini lewat facebook dan blog ini. Website pasti, menyusul.
Luar biasa respon yang aku dapat dari facebook. Puluhan customer sudah aku layani, mereka puas.
tak sedikit yang penasaran ; " Sis, bisa gak fotoin undangannya, aku penasaran neh.."
BBM ku pun penuh dengan nama-nama customer. tidak sedikit yang akhirnya meng-add Facebook ku dan ingin melanjutkan hubungan sebagai teman. Beberapa customer juga aku mintakan testimonial.
Lalu Kaart berkembang seiring dengan banyaknya tawaran kerjasama dan permintaan dari customer.
mulailah aku mendesain dengan thanks card, guest wishes book/frame, cookies n chocolate bar packaging, backdrop sampai table decoration.
ini bagus, sangat bagus dan menjanjikan !
( Terima Kasih untuk layanan Facebook gratis, customerku tercinta dan beberapa source yang aku dapat )
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